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Archive for the category “chicken”

Dead Space Cooking

Hurrrrr…. Dead Space. They said you were epic. They were right.
An epic winner in making me jump and paranoid with each sound I hear and room I enter.

I’ve never felt so cowardly to a game before! I’ve faced my F.E.A.R and dealt with swarms of headcrabs zombies while running on Half Life, ran for dear life from Husks and Scions on Mass Effect but never have I felt so chicken about a game with reanimated macabre corpses. Hmmm, maybe my previous games are a little bit different from Dead Space, but still, the fact that I’m too scared to play it doesnt change one bit.
I’m so into guro and gory mangas and animes. I grew up with Genocyber, Guyver and was in loved with the first movie of Ghost in the Shell. I have a thing for scary and gory movies, so long as I dont hear the sfx. I’m into really disgusting things like pressure ulcers and got hungry while watching a live brain surgery because I thought the flesh smelled like fish being grilled.
So what is so wrong with me?

I managed to finish 1 chapter of Dead Space earlier. I guess I can only play “fine” during daytime. As soon as it got a little dark, I “lost” interest in playing. However, it sparked an interest in me, so I’ve been doing some in depth research about it, and currently watching Dead Space: Downfall, it’s animated movie counterpart.

Speaking of movies, Halo had a series of OAVs, Dead Space had Downfall, how come my Mass Effect have no movie to its name? Considering how awesome this trilogy (ME 3 is coming out next year! Already set my dibs on the collector’s item piece :3 ), how come it has yet to gain an animated or much better a live action movie? ;__;

On a completely, but maybe related matter, I’m thinking of posting some Cooking tutorials to prove that I do cook, and they’re edible and tasty. People at work and sometimes, friends would often doubt my cooking prowess and would often insist that it’s my mom’s cooking, not mine.


Sorry, I dont entirely fall into the useless category.

** I dont own these pictures…they belong to somebody else…I just got them off goole images

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